My Ark
Places I've Lived

My Ark

I was born in Chicago and moved to Canada when I was five, but that was just the first step in a long line of international leaps.

In 1985, after 17 years growing up in Canada, I got the travel bug – and it’s never really left me since.

I’ve lived for six years in Moscow, two years in Oslo and three years in Stockholm.

I’ve spent many months in India, Chile, South Africa, and Venezuela.

And I’ve lived the last 20 years of my life in London, which I use as a base to travel to over a hundred different countries and territories across the globe.

I’ll always feel Canadian at heart. I’ve taken those Canadian values with me all over the world – and I’ve been learning and adding to them ever since.


America is my birthplace, and the place I’ve returned to again and again over the years. Living in the States gave me some huge opportunities (like working at The Coca-Cola Company) – but it also gave me the gritty entrepreneurial edge I needed to succeed in other countries.

1963 – 1968 – Chicago

1986 – 1990 – Miami and Atlanta

1994 – 1999 – Atlanta

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I spent my formative years growing up in Canada – from first-grade and high school, all the way through to graduating from university.
And I couldn’t have asked for a more wholesome, funny, and grounded culture to help shape the person I am today.

1968 – 1986 – Toronto and London Ontario


Sweden has been my second home for the last 30 years. The people are free and liberal, and I can’t get enough of their dark winters and 24-hour summer days.
1990 – 2020 – Stockholm

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The UK has been my base since 2000. It’s the place my kids and I call home.
I live in London – but not in the way you might think. My actual home is the majestic River Thames, where I live on a barge called Ocean.


I lived for many months in each of these beautiful countries, where I soaked up the diverse cultures and met some of the most proud and fulfilled people on Earth.

Craig and Kids